Die Suche
nach Akustiklösungen beginnt hier
Für Tonstudios, Regieräume und Homestudios bieten wir unterschiedliche Module an, die helfen den Klang im Raum definiert darzustellen.
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Hier bieten wir qualitativ hochwertige und praktische Lösungen die dazu führen, dass man sich im Proberaum richtig wohl fühlt und alles differenziert hört.
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Büroräume sind häufig optisch ansprechend gestaltet. Großraumbüros und Co-Working-Spaces haben aber wie Einzelarbeitsplätze oft ein Defizit bei der Raumakustik.
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Wer den optimalen Klang für sein Heimkino erzielen möchte, weiß oft nicht, welche Produkte an welcher Stelle angebracht werden sollten.
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Innovation, Funktionalität, Design
Alle Produkte
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t.akustik absorbers
Bass Traps
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t.akustik bass traps
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t.akustik diffusors
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Hey low frequencies! 📢 @deep_in_moon are ready for you and have installed some bass traps! 🕳️
#takustik #roomsounddesign #basstraps #roomacoustics #homestudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment #rehearsalroom #acousticpanels

Hey low frequencies! 📢 @deep_in_moon are ready for you and have installed some bass traps! 🕳️
#takustik #roomsounddesign #basstraps #roomacoustics #homestudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment #rehearsalroom #acousticpanels

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Searching for the perfect absorber for your music studio? 🎶 Our Spektrum Absorbers are designed to delight both your ears and your eyes 👀 One of our top picks? The Spektrum BD Absorber — a true standout in both form and function.
#takustik #roomsounddesign #absorber #roomacoustics #homestudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment #rehearsalroom #acousticpanels

Searching for the perfect absorber for your music studio? 🎶 Our Spektrum Absorbers are designed to delight both your ears and your eyes 👀 One of our top picks? The Spektrum BD Absorber — a true standout in both form and function.
#takustik #roomsounddesign #absorber #roomacoustics #homestudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment #rehearsalroom #acousticpanels

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Tackle the poor acoustics of your office with our PET ceiling absorber 🖤 Easy to install it will help you create a productive environment! 
#takustik #roomsounddesign #officeacousticsolutions #officeacoustics #acousticoptimization #homeoffice #workspace #absorber

Tackle the poor acoustics of your office with our PET ceiling absorber 🖤 Easy to install it will help you create a productive environment!
#takustik #roomsounddesign #officeacousticsolutions #officeacoustics #acousticoptimization #homeoffice #workspace #absorber

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It’s not always possible to record in a professional studio or set up a full body vocal booth in your home. We have compared several options that you can use instead 💪🏼
#takustik #roomsounddesign #acousticpanels #homestudio #vocalrecording #vocalbooth

It’s not always possible to record in a professional studio or set up a full body vocal booth in your home. We have compared several options that you can use instead 💪🏼
#takustik #roomsounddesign #acousticpanels #homestudio #vocalrecording #vocalbooth

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All white acoustic modules 🤍 If you thinking about where to start with your acoustic optimization, check out our WAS-7 Melamine absorbers!
#takustik #roomsounddesign #absorber #roomacoustics #homestudio #recordingstudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment

All white acoustic modules 🤍 If you thinking about where to start with your acoustic optimization, check out our WAS-7 Melamine absorbers!
#takustik #roomsounddesign #absorber #roomacoustics #homestudio #recordingstudio #musicstudio #acoustictreatment

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Absorbers made with precision and love 😉🪚
#takustik #roomsounddesign #acoustictreatment #absorber #aboutus #acousticpanels

Absorbers made with precision and love 😉🪚
#takustik #roomsounddesign #acoustictreatment #absorber #aboutus #acousticpanels

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