t.akustik Absorber


Absorbers are used to reduce reflections of sound waves. They reduce the reverberation in a room and eliminate so-called room modes. When sound waves hit the absorber, friction causes their energy to be converted into head, and thus absorbed. While this fundamental principle applies to all varieties, different kinds of absorbers are optimized for different frequency ranges. We have developed a range of absorbers to solve these problems and improve the sound in your room.


Why Absorbers

In addition to reflections between parallel walls, which cause unwanted flutter echoes, the delay between direct sound and (first) reflections can lead to so-called comb filter effects. Enclosed spaces are also prone to room modes, the so-called “standing waves”.

Overlapping reflections cause patterns of resonating frequencies, which can severely affect the acoustics of a room. When absorbers are used to reduce the reflections, these frequency build-ups and cancellations become much less pronounced, leading to a more homogenous overall sound. Installing absorbers helps to solve these problems.


The basic principle applies to all absorbers: Sonic energy is converted into heat and thus absorbed. But there are different kinds of absorbers, which come in different shapes for various applications.

Broad band absorbers are sold as flat panels. Bass absorbers usually have a triangular shape for positioning them in a corner. Some absorbers feature reflective coatings that prevent excessive absorption of high frequencies.

Porous absorbers are made from a variety of materials. The differences in their acoustic effects are much smaller than the differences in handling. Absorbers made from melamine are rigid and can be mounted across corners or at a distance from the wall without any issues. Polyurethane pads are more flexible, don’t break and can easily adapt to the shape of the wall. Mineral wool is also often used, but usually covered with fabric.


Because absorbers are most effective at reducing high frequencies, which you should be able to hear in great detail, it’s not a good idea to over-dampen your room with too many absorbers. This could result in a muffled, undifferentiated sound.

One way to avoid this is to begin by mounting broad band absorbers to one side of the room only. Depending on the requirements, you can then further optimize the sound by installing additional absorbers.

Most porous absorbers can be glued directly to the wall or into corners without much effort. Some absorbers have wooden frames, which can be covered in acoustically transparent fabric depending on your taste. In addition to individual absorber elements, we also offer pre-configured box absorbers with various fabric colors and mounting hardware.

When mounting absorbers, you should keep in mind that the thickness of the absorber affects its effective frequency range. The thicker the absorber, the more low mid frequencies it can absorb. But there is a limit to how thick an absorber can be. Absorbers mounted to the wall usually measure between 3 and 10 cm in depth. But you can also mount an absorber with a thickness of 5 cm at a 5 cm distance from the wall, which will have approximately the same effect as an absorber with a thickness of 10 cm.

Best room


So-called porous absorbers are one way to deal with acoustical problems. The friction inside the absorber converts the energy of the air molecules into heat, thereby reducing sonic energy. To achieve this, absorbers are placed on various walls.

to Rehearsal Room

in the control room

Installing porous absorbers is the most important measure for the acoustic treatment of a studio, because first reflections and flutter echoes often lead to unpleasant comb filter effects and can distort the stereo image. Wall-mounted absorbers help to solve these problems.

Control Room

in the home cinema

Commercial movie theaters are designed from the ground up to have very few large, flat surfaces that could cause hard reflections. But when a normal room is converted to a home cinema, reflections can become a real problem. Absorbers should be used in spots where the sound waves coming from the speakers are reflected.

to the Home Cinema


SA-N30 18pcs set

1000 x 500 x 40 mm, grey


1000 x 500 x 40 mm, grey

Wedges 30

300 x 300 x 50 mm, grey

WAW-7 Absorber 8pcs Set

600 x 600 x 75 mm, grey



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Absorber Highline A1

Discover how to install your Highline A1 Absorber in a few simple steps with this step-by-step video! We guide you through the process of installing our glue-on absorbers, giving you detailed insights into the process – Install your new absorber now!


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Discover how to install your WAS-7 in a few simple steps with this step-by-step video! We guide you through the process of installing our glue-on absorbers, giving you detailed insights into the process – Install your new absorber now!


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Spektrum A10

Our A10 absorber is a breeze to install – but in case you need a few pointers, our easy-to-follow installation videos show you exactly what equipment you need and how to get your new absorber and other screw-in products from t.akustik mounted quickly and easily.

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